A 7-step approach to abundant energy, joyful eating, and a body you love...
Only Available in USA and Canada
Do you suffer from bloating, body pains, headaches, skin issues, autoimmune disease, depression, excess body weight or other chronic conditions?
How Food Is Causing Your Symptoms
There are many factors which cause the gut lining to become "leaky", including stress, antibiotics, infection, food toxins, diet, and many medications. Once damage has occurred and the gut lining becomes permeable to undigested food particles, these leak through into the blood stream and activate the immune system. 

Multiple types of immune cells get involved, pumping out mediators meant to "heal" or rid the body of harm. The problem is, when these mediators are released too often (like every time you have a meal!) they cause chronic inflammation, hormone changes, tissue damage, and other physiological disturbances.

These changes eventually become noticeable in your body as bloating, fatigue, chronic congestion, pain in your muscles and joints, depression, skin rashes, eczema, hormone imbalance, digestive issues, weight gain and eventually disease.
Learn How to Heal with THM:

Week 1 - The Quick Start

What to expect during this 8 week program, a recap of where healing begins, and what to do first.

Week 2 - Reboot

Learn how to reboot your system to set the stage for success. Understand how to keep things moving, clean, and digestible.

Week 3 - Remove

Using your MRT test results, learn how to strategically remove the foods and chemicals causing an immune reaction, to allow for fast and efficient healing.

Week 4 - Reintroduce

How to slowly add foods back into your diet for variety and to test your tolerance.

Week 5 - Relax

Guided meditations and mindset audio tracks to induce deep relaxation and healing.

Week 6 - Replenish

The microbiome plays a pivotal role in longterm health. Learn which foods to eat to populate and support this essential flora.

Week 7 - Restore

Removing your reactive foods only goes so far without then healing the gut lining to prevent future issues. Learn how to quickly repair the damage done.

Week 8 - Refine

How to move forward with healthy habits that will maintain a healthy mind/body/spirit, gut flora and strong intestinal lining for years to come.
You will also receive:

MRT Food Sensitivity Test
& Shipping ($695 value)

To identify your reactive foods and chemicals 

Essentials Whole Health Program ($350 value)

36 days to holistic health ebook

Expert Weight Loss Formula & Stress Less 101 ($150 value)

Strategies to de-stress and lose weight

LEAP Friendly Gut Healing Cookbook ($50 value)

Healthy recipe ideas based on MRT tested foods
Summary Of What's Included:
  • Patented Food Sensitivity Test (MRT® Full Panel)
  • Express Shipping and Personalised Test Results  
  • Proprietary LEAP Diet Plan And Booklet 
  • 8 Week Transformational Healing Method 
  • Lifetime Access To Membership Site And Resources
  • Videos, Transcripts, Meditations and Handouts
Meet Megan
Megan Pennington is a Certified Holistic Health Coach with a BSc in Dietetics and Human Nutrition. She is also a Certified LEAP Therapist with specialized training in food sensitivity reactions and inflammatory conditions.
Having become disillusioned with the traditional medical model, Megan diverged into holistic health. With this approach she overcame her own eating and weight issues, and was able to teach clients how to do that for themselves. When clients started to come to her for chronic conditions like migraines, digestive issues, body pains, and autoimmune conditions, she became engrossed in the world of gut health and inflammation.
As a mother and busy professional, she understands the need for quick and simple strategies that provide the most benefit for your efforts. Megan is a health professional who keeps up-to-date with current research and expert teachings, to deliver simple solutions that promise big results.
Thank you for your interest :)
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